
昭和47年3月1 8日
医療法人徳松会 松永整形外科(30床)開業
松永病院に改名 内科・小児科を増設


理事長  松永 茂樹

理事   松永 慶子  松永 厚美  松永 明子  松永 堅而

Nursing idea of the Matsunaga Hospital

We wish that we want you to grow up to practice autonomous, independent nursing with variety to each person’s nursing staff.
We want to promote the making of educational environment so that a place practicing nursing for a patient becomes the place of the growth of the staff.
In addition, we provide the place where a dream and the hope to the nursing of the staff can come true. The quality of the nursing greatly depends on the human nature of the staff. We think that the support of the growth process of the staff leads to the satisfaction of the patient.
And we nursing staff confronts difficulty with a patient and will have power getting over in courage and specialized knowledge and technique.

Nursing policy

  • I am impressed by life and can respect life
  • I can deepen equality characteristics of the life, understanding for the dignity of the life.
  • I deepen mutual understanding with others and can practice the care in deference to life.
  • I can keep health and life.
  • I can offer specialized knowledge, a technique.
  • I can practice care with a balanced life sense.
  • I am aware of a mission and can enlighten it by oneself.
  • I have flexibility to review the neighborhood for rich sensitivity, a free idea.
  • I look back toward oneself and question an established concept and can get new knowledge.
  • I can practice the nursing along the target needs.
  • I positively participate in the society through nursing practice.
  • I understand the action of the organization and have a multidirectional field of vision and a social sense.
  • I positively contribute to the health promotion of local inhabitants .




医師(常勤) 5名 医師(非常勤) 9名
看護師・准看護師(常勤) 20名 看護師・准看護師(非常勤) 1名
理学療法士・作業療法士・言語療法士(常勤) 21名 理学療法士・作業療法士・言語療法士(非常勤) 2名
社会福祉士(常勤) 1名 介護福祉士(常勤) 1名
管理栄養士(常勤) 1名 合計職員数(その他含む) 165名